Our Approach

“A goal without a plan is just a wish!”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We pride ourselves on putting the client at the heart of everything we do. We work to understand what is important to you and we create a bespoke QUINLAN FINANCIAL PLAN to help you achieve your goals.

As a Broker we offer many specific strategies through many different companies, however our overarching theme is simply to focus on those things within your control. To many focus on timing markets, the economy, and specific manager performance overlooking the fundamentals.

We adopt the same consistent philosophy built on Four Fundamental Principles


Create clear
appropriate goals

The best way to work towards a GOAL is to start by defining it clearly, take a level-headed look at the means of getting there and then create a detailed, specific plan. Being realistic is essential to the process. Investors need to recognise their constraints and understand the level of risk they are able to accept.

These goals could be from saving for your children’s education to retirement planning. The term may be short term, medium or long term depending on your circumstances. You also need to establish how much growth is required to reach your goal and this determines the level of risk/volatility you are happy with.


Between risk and reward

It is well documented that asset allocation and diversification are rooted in the idea of BALANCE. Because all investments involve risk, investors must balance risk and potential reward through the choice of asset classes e.g. equities/stocks, bonds, property, cash. The proportions of each asset class determine most returns as well as its volatility/risk.

This allocation needs to be built upon reasonable expectations for risk and returns and should use diversified investments to avoid exposure to unnecessary risks.

Diversification is a powerful strategy for managing traditional risks. Diversifying across and within asset classes reduces a portfolios exposure to an entire class, or individual company, sector or segment.

Attempting to escape volatility and short term losses by keeping equities low can expose investors to other types of risks of failing to outpace inflation. Thus you need to find the right balance between risk and reward.


Keep Cost Low

Investors cannot control market performance but can often control the COST. And cost can make a big difference over time. The lower your costs the greater your share of the investment return and the greater the potential impact of compounding.

A critical element of investment success is superior performance and a critical element to this is lower costs. Thus Costs Matter. Therefore we try to align Low-cost products and services to meet long-term investment goals.


Remain Disciplined and maintain a long-term perspective

It is time in the markets as opposed to market timing which generates the majority of returns. Investors should arm themselves with a long term perspective and form a disciplined approach.

Investing can provoke strong emotions and in the face of market turmoil some investors make impulsive decisions which can prove costly. Evidence also suggests that various behavioral biases such as the allure of market timing and the temptation to chase performance does not lead to long term higher returns.


Between risk and reward

It is well documented that asset allocation and diversification are rooted in the idea of BALANCE. Because all investments involve risk, investors must balance risk and potential reward through the choice of asset classes e.g. equities/stocks, bonds, property, cash. The proportions of each asset class determine most returns as well as its volatility/risk.

This allocation needs to be built upon reasonable expectations for risk and returns and should use diversified investments to avoid exposure to unnecessary risks.

Diversification is a powerful strategy for managing traditional risks. Diversifying across and within asset classes reduces a portfolios exposure to an entire class, or individual company, sector or segment.

Attempting to escape volatility and short term losses by keeping equities low can expose investors to other types of risks of failing to outpace inflation. Thus you need to find the right balance between risk and reward.


Remain Disciplined and maintain a long-term perspective

It is time in the markets as opposed to market timing which generates the majority of returns. Investors should arm themselves with a long term perspective and form a disciplined approach.

Investing can provoke strong emotions and in the face of market turmoil some investors make impulsive decisions which can prove costly. Evidence also suggests that various behavioral biases such as the allure of market timing and the temptation to chase performance does not lead to long term higher returns.


At Quinlan Financial, we are committed to enhancing our contribution to sustainable development in both the manner we conduct our business and engage with our stakeholders.

When providing advice, the Firm considers the adverse impact of investment decisions on sustainability. As part of our research and assessment of products, the Firm examines the Product Providers literature to compare financial products and to make informed investment decisions about ESG products. The Firm will at all times act in the client’s best interests and keep clients informed accordingly. The consideration of sustainability risks can impact on the returns of financial products.


One of the initiatives arising from the European Commission’s action plan on Sustainable Finance is the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) which is aimed at providing consistent disclosure requirements which Quinlan Financial adheres to.